From the Blog

Property Security Checkist

This a simplified version of our own checklist (that includes other things specific to holiday properties or owners), but its always a good idea to do it in your own house, at least yearly so you have a good idea of the condition and if you need to plan some maintenance in the near future:

External Conditions

  • Overall Look and Condition, this includes if the garden is in good shape and if something looks out of place.
  • Check External Paintwork, for things like mildew, discoloration, cracked.
  • Window Quality, if they are clean, crack-free, well sealed.
  • Check Roof, no missing tiles, clean and clear, check gutters if those are secure and free of debris.
  • Check Fences, if these are stable and good looking.
  • Check Garden/Pool/Balconies/etc, check external amenities.
  • Check Exterior Furnishings, things like chairs, sun lodges, umbrellas, etc.
  • Check Outside Lighting, if they work, clean and if they are visible.
  • Number Plates, if those are clean and visible.

Interior Conditions

  • Check Doors and Windows, again if they close, open, lock, sealing.
  • Check Floors, Tiles and Carpets, for stains and quality.
  • Check Paintwork, for cracks, mildew, discoloration or other marks or scratches.
  • Check for Water Damage or Burn Marks.
  • Check Pipes and Water Supply, for leaks and rust.
  • Check Bathrooms and Kitchen, for mold, mildew, rust and overall quality.
  • Check Electrics, electric supply sockets, lighting, etc.
  • Check Appliances, from the fridge to air conditioning to smoke alarms.
  • Check Security Measures, from fire extinguishers to security alarms.

Check Accounts and Utilities

  • Check Bank Payments, if you are paying your house, check to see if its accounts are in order.
  • Check Utility Bills, to see if anything as changed, its a good way to find problems you didn’t even know.
  • Check Taxes, its a good idea to know if you have paid them or if there are some discounts you can make.
  • Check Rental Contract, if your house is a rental check if a renewal is in order or any doubt you might have (regarding repairs, tenants, pets, etc).

Hope this is helpful to you as it is for us! Any questions feel free to contact us or make a comment bellow, have a great day!

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